Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beyond Method 3

Whew!!!   It is a neat idea.  I can see the uses.  Imagine my surprise when I did a Google Maps search for our little  library and found that our director had already set up a public map for our library.  Ready to have comments and reviews posted.  The link is not embedded in our library website.  Probably because our site is hosted by an entity with requirements and restrictions...but it is free!!!!

I had a horrible time trying to get the whole thing to work.  Trying to save a map that looked like something worth using to
My Maps; trying to embed or set up a link from my blog - all a nightmare.   I must qualify those statements with the following facts:   Our electricity went out several times this morning & afternoon for up to 20 minutes at a time.  We had the first real rain in our area since January or before.   While we were all very thankful for the rain, the electrical simply wasn't prepared to adjust to this relatively new meteorological occurrence. 

So, rather than blame my ineptitude I am going to blame the server/network/electricity/computer! 

I am going to explore this area of technology some more.  It seems really neat.  Applicable to us in rural south east Texas?  Not really.  Not only is it impossible to get lost within the city limits, everybody really does pretty much know everybody else.   Like Miranda Lambert's song:  Everybody dies famous in a small town.

Here's our small town!

View Kirbyville, Texas in a larger map

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