Thursday, May 26, 2011

Method 4

RSS:  Really simple syndication

Yeah I've tried that before.  I'm not really a news junkie.  I don't hit certain websites every day looking for news.  Having said that...I do recognize the necessity of staying on top of issues that affect the financial support for education and specifically public libraries. 

Since I already have a google account, I added three (3) subscriptions to the g-reader.  When I first opened my Google account and I was playing around with all the features, I subscribed to one of the "bundles" that are offered.  What a mistake!  I felt like I was wading through quicksand.  I quickly un-subscribed and never revisited the reader until registering for this training.

I am receiving postings from Surpass (the library software support site).  I was briefly subscribed to a feed I found on  TexShare Databases for a medical situation that affected one of my parents.  I occasionally feel like I am being bombarded with information in excess of what is actually necessary. 

The definition of Librarian 2.0 is intimidating.  I am revisiting my view of information in light of that definition.  As an empowered Librarian and (at least outwardly) confident of my ability to rise to the challenge of Web 2.0 I eagerly embrace Really Simply Syndication!  (Do you hear the imaginary trumpets and drums?)

I have added subscriptions to my Google Reader for three sites.  Two of these sites are going to provide meaningful insights and avenues of progress for my personal and professional growth.  The third site is a low brow, culturally stagnant guilty pleasure guarunteed to bring laughter and the realization that my professional and personal life is at an all time high in comparison.  "What could possibly boost morale so quickly and easily?" you ask.  that's what!

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